Oscar Mulero’s DJ career has been as prolific and long lasting as the development of dance music. As a key figure in this evolution, Oscar has always absorbed new trends and kept his finger on the pulse of electronic dance music, from the end of the 80’s right up to the present day.
It is impossible to understand the phenomenon of this DJ in Spain without taking into account his tireless work behind the decks for more than a decade.
Oscar began as a DJ at the end of the 80’s in Madrid, in the most experimental clubs of the city such as Imposible, Capital, Kitch and Babia, playing Gothic Rock and EBM, the most important styles at the time. In the 90´s he began to play at the legendary club New World (Madrid).
The mid-eighties, Madrid. The Spanish capital is teeming under the grip of a musical explosion the likes of which has never been seen before. In the midst of that rabid swirl, a teenager, unknown and unassuming, enters a record shop to blow his savings on an album, Standing on a Beach, by The Cure. Little did he know that this was to be his first step on the long and difficult path to becoming one of the country’s essential djs.
He soon became a familiar face in the dj booths of the most exclusive underground clubs of Madrid, but the best was still to come and the first chapter was called New World, his first “proper” job.
read more at: residentadvisor/oscarmulero
4 jours de techno pointue hors du temps
Le Festival Forte prendra place sous le soleil portugais à cheval entre Août et Septembre pour terminer l’été en beauté. Du 30 Août au 2 Septembre le Château de Montemor-o-Velho attend plusieurs milliers de festivaliers
August 8, 2018
Portugal : Extrawelt, I Hate Models et Lena Willikens au coeur d’une citadelle millenaire
D'Helena Hauff à Extrawelt, la fine fleur de la techno et de l'électro du nord de l'Europe viendra tenir le siège dans la citadelle de Montemor-O-Velho du 30 août au 2 septembre.
July 26, 2018
Festival Forte by Beatport
Beatport has released a compilation featuring artists that will play at Festival Forte 2018. A glimpse of what to expect during four days of sonic acts in the Castle of Montemor-o-Velho, Portugal.
July 20, 2018
Festival Forte | Un vistazo al futuro dentro de las paredes de un castillo medieval
El Festival Forte es una experiencia dedicada a la música electrónica completamente única que nace de la combinación del talento artistas innovadores y nuevas propuestas visuales
July 19, 2018
Portugal – La valeur sûre du Forte Festival
Sous le soleil de la commune portugaise de Montemor-o-Velho se tiendra du 30 août au 2 septembre prochain le Festival Forte : une parenthèse aux grands festivals dans l’enceinte d’une forteresse datant du Moyen-Âge.
July 13, 2018
Festival Forte, Portugal – Aug 28-Sep 2 2018: Event Preview
Set in a medieval castle in the town of Montemor-o-Velho, Portugal, from August 30 to September 2, Festival Forte 2018 is set to be strong-armed, with a host of heavyweight artists and cutting-edge performers set to patrol the ramparts over the four-day event
July 8, 2018
Quatre jours de techno sous le soleil portugais au festival Forte
Forteresse du XIème siècle et forte programmation. À une vingtaine de kilomètres de Coimbra au Portugal, le festival Forte s’installera à l’intérieur du château médiéval de Montemor-o-Velho du 30 août au 2 septembre.
July 4, 2018
Festival FORTE recebe a estreia mundial de espectáculo de Drew McDowall com Florence To
Pantha Du Prince, Helena Hauff, Mumdance e Oscar Mulero são alguns dos nomes que já estão confirmados, mas o grande destaque vai para a estreia mundial de Time Machines
June 28, 2018
Preview – Seleccion Natural – Seleccion Natural – Polegroup50.1
This is the bonus digital release of Polegroup 50th anniversary number, cooked by the foundational members of the label all together, as all the pieces included in this milestone project.
June 22, 2018
Festival Forte 2018 @ Montemor-o-Velho du 30/08 au 02/09/2018
Du 30 août au 02 septembre 2018, on pose nos valises au Portugal pour le Forte Festival. Durant 4 jours, les meilleurs djs techno se donnent rendez-vous sur les hauteurs de Montemor-o-Velho, dans un château médiéval datant du XIe siècle !
June 19, 2018
TOKEN83 – Oscar Mulero – Electric Shades EP
Listen to previews of Oscar Mulero's forthcoming 'Electric Shades EP' now. In stores 22nd of June, 2x12", digital & streaming
June 6, 2018
Token reveals double-vinyl EP from Oscar Mulero
Electric Shades, a 12-track effort from the Spanish techno artist and longtime Token affiliate, is out in June.
May 31, 2018
Le festival le plus mystique du Portugal annonce un line up techno terrassant
C’est derrière la brume du matin qu’on aperçoit le château de Montemor O Velho, faisant entendre les basses jusqu’à 9 heures du matin dans les alentours. Le festival surpuissant de la fin d’août vient de nous annoncer la deuxième salve du line up, et on salive déjà.
April 26, 2018
10 records that shaped Oscar Mulero’s sound, from Bauhaus to Ministry
As Resident Advisor reported in a welcome feature six years ago, Oscar Mulero’s experimental techno sound is actually rooted in the rock and goth clubs that ruled Madrid’s underground scene in the late ’80s and early ’90s.
April 18, 2018
OSCAR MULERO “Me apetece no seguir bajo ese estigma de DJ de techno”
DJ y productor conocido, admirado y respetado aquí y allende nuestras fronteras por su technazo vigoroso, maquinal y acerado, de pelo en pecho y pescuezo tatuado- en este disco vuelve a sumergirse en esas estancias experimentales, mentales e idemeras que tanto le ponen, motivan y cargan las pilas.
April 13, 2018
Oscar Mulero, reflexiones desde la calma (II)
Segunda parte de la entrevista con el mítico productor y DJ, afincado en Gijón, repasando su trayectoria.
April 10, 2018
Oscar Mulero's DJ career has been as prolific and long lasting as the evolution of dance music. As a key figure in its development, Oscar has always absorbed new trends and kept his finger on the pulse of electronic dance music, from the end of the 80’s right up to the present day.
April 10, 2018
Oscar Mulero, reflexiones desde la calma (I)
Entrevistamos al mítico DJ y productor con motivo de su nuevo álbum, 'Perfect Peace' y su espectáculo en directo 'Monochrome AV'. Lee aquí la primera parte
April 9, 2018
Music Video: Oscar Mulero – The Arms Of Fate
A stark and striking piece rendered in the form of a triptych, it’s a perfect match for the dark and gloomy textures of Mulero’s crepuscular sonics, both of them chilling to the bone.
April 5, 2018
Une forteresse majestuese accueille les barons de la techno au Festival Forte
Quelque part entre Lisbonne et Porto, le festival Forte pose chaque année ses kilos de sons dans la cour d’un château, juché sur les hauteurs de Monte-o-Velho, un village médiéval. Le cadre pourrait se suffire à lui-même mais le Forte (30 août - 2 septembre) propose aussi une programmation pointue, ostensiblement techno.
March 13, 2018
Festival Forte auf Schloss Montemor-o-Velho in Portugal
Festival Forte feiert dieses Jahr „Fünfjähriges“ und hat gerade die erste Phase des Line-Ups veröffentlicht. Vom 30.08.2018 bis zum 02.09.2018 verwandelt sich das Schloss Montemor-O-Velho in Portugal wieder einmal in eine Festival Location der ganz besonderen Art.
March 14, 2018
Forte 2018 anuncia sus primeros artistas
A pesar de los impedimentos, y gracias a una campaña de captación de fondos y nuevos sponsor, el quinto aniversario del festival Forte tendrá lugar desde el 30 de agosto al 2 de septiembre de 2018 en Portugal.
March 14, 2018
Primeros nombres para Festival Forte 2018
Pantha Du Prince, Helena Hauff, I Hate Models, Lena Willikens, Surgeon, Oscar Mulero entre los confirmados
March 13, 2018
Helena Hauff, Lena Willikens, Oscar Mulero and Surgeon confirmed for Festival Forte 2018
Taking place in one of Europe's most unique locations, Festival Forte returns to the 12th century Castle of Montemor-o-Velho this summer for its fifth edition with a bevy of top techno selectors.
March 12, 2018
Festival Forte arranca su edición del 2018 con sus primeros 22 artistas
El Festival Forte se ha convertido en una de las propuestas con más atención de la península. En la que será ya su 5ª edición, el festival portugués arranca haciendo gala de la categoría que estos años ha ido asumiendo poco a poco.
March 13, 2018
The first wave of acts has been announced today and it is as expected spectacular, from some of our most favorite artists The Hacker, Lena Willekens, Blush Response and Helena Hauff to other highly respected or upandcoming players of the scene:
March 12, 2018
Festival Forte presenta sus primeros artistas
Tras las dudas que surgieron sobre su celebración hace unos meses, cuando la promotora de Forte anunciaba una campaña de captación de fondos para que se pudiera llevar a cabo una nueva edición del festival portugués, ya tenemos con nosotros la primera tanda de artistas confirmados de su edición de 2018.
March 14, 2018
Festival FORTE quer revisitar passado e projetar futuro da música eletrónica
A quinta edição do festival FORTE, que se realiza de 30 de agosto a 02 de setembro em Montemor-o-Velho, aposta numa programação que revisita o passado e projeta o futuro da música eletrónica, anunciou hoje a organização.
March 12, 2018
Festival FORTE entre o passado e o futuro da música eletrónica
A quinta edição do festival FORTE, que se realiza de 30 de agosto a 02 de setembro em Montemor-o-Velho, aposta numa programação que revisita o passado e projeta o futuro da música eletrónica, anunciou hoje a organização.
March 12, 2018