beats catcher

Why Festival Forte is our top rave for this summer

BEATS CATCHER This year we wanted to go beyond the all-day party at a big…


Festival Forte 2019 playlist on Spotify

SPOTIFY Dear all, We made a Spotify playlist with amazing tracks by the artists…

a cabine

Festival Forte anuncia novos nomes

A CABINE Atos como Courtesy e Paula Temple foram revelados esta quinta-feira…

Le mystique Forte Festival dévoile son plateau complet pour cet été

ELECTRO NEWS On commence avec la terrible Paula Temple, parcourant tous les…

stafff festival forte

Festival Forte, una experiencia sónica-visual en las fronteras de la percepción

STAF MAGAZINE Para su sexta edición, que tendrá lugar el fin de semana del 22…


Festival Forte 2019: Un defilé de pointures de la techno

SWEETLIFE | FR Pour sa 6ème édition, qui se déroulera le week-end les 23, 24 et…


5 Festivals to visit this summer

MONUMENT | EN Since its start in 2014, Forte Festival brings together…

tappit top 5

Festival Innovators: 5 pioneers to watch

TAPPIT | EN If you’ve been to a music festival in the last five years, you…

the empire line

Festival Forte anuncia segunda vaga de confirmações

THRESHOLDMAGAZINE | PT O Festival Forte está de regresso ao castelo de…

the partae

Festival Forte unveils new additions to its 2019 line up

THE PARTAE | EN Amulador, Apart, Caroline Lethô, Hedonic 2, Jonas Kopp presents…