Arne Schaffhausen and Wayan Raabe have been engaged in electronic music since the beginning of the ’90s and they still continue succeeding in maxing out this music‘s latitude, shaping their very own and unique style that can hardly be assigned to one of the established subcategories of modern electronic dance music. Initially, the two started touring worldwide as DJs, and later on established the projects ‘Midimiliz’, ‘Spirallianz’, ‘The Delta’ and ‘Downhill’, which all have gained remarkable success in the scene. Their breakthrough as Extrawelt came in 2005. James Holden released the first Extrawelt single on his label Border Community, kicking off a matchless wave of success that lasts until today. The readers of the two most renowned magazines for electronic music in Germany, ‘Groove’ and ‘Raveline’ voted their album “Schöne Neue Extrawelt” Best Album 2008; besides that, they also have been voted Best Live Act 2008 in ‘Groove’ magazine. Their second album „In Aufruhr“ came out in 2011 on Cocoon Recordings and was equally high acclaimed as their debut. Youtube clips of their tracks exceed the million clicks easily, their Facebook page likes are in the hundred thousands. Reader’s poll of the „Faze“, Germany’s magazine with the highest circulation voted them again on the pole position in the category Best Live Act in 2014. Countless records and remixes sold as well as equally countless live gigs in the best clubs and festivals worldwide from New York via Berlin to Tokyo, Rio and Moscow speak a clear language: Extrawelt are reaching their audience despite – or probably just because of – their obstinacy. In spite of their huge success, the two have – typically Hanseatic – always kept their feet on the ground.
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Portugal : Extrawelt, I Hate Models et Lena Willikens au coeur d’une citadelle millenaire
D'Helena Hauff à Extrawelt, la fine fleur de la techno et de l'électro du nord de l'Europe viendra tenir le siège dans la citadelle de Montemor-O-Velho du 30 août au 2 septembre.
July 26, 2018
Festival Forte by Beatport
Beatport has released a compilation featuring artists that will play at Festival Forte 2018. A glimpse of what to expect during four days of sonic acts in the Castle of Montemor-o-Velho, Portugal.
July 20, 2018
Festival Forte | Un vistazo al futuro dentro de las paredes de un castillo medieval
El Festival Forte es una experiencia dedicada a la música electrónica completamente única que nace de la combinación del talento artistas innovadores y nuevas propuestas visuales
July 19, 2018
Une forteresse majestuese accueille les barons de la techno au Festival Forte
Quelque part entre Lisbonne et Porto, le festival Forte pose chaque année ses kilos de sons dans la cour d’un château, juché sur les hauteurs de Monte-o-Velho, un village médiéval. Le cadre pourrait se suffire à lui-même mais le Forte (30 août - 2 septembre) propose aussi une programmation pointue, ostensiblement techno.
March 13, 2018
Festival Forte auf Schloss Montemor-o-Velho in Portugal
Festival Forte feiert dieses Jahr „Fünfjähriges“ und hat gerade die erste Phase des Line-Ups veröffentlicht. Vom 30.08.2018 bis zum 02.09.2018 verwandelt sich das Schloss Montemor-O-Velho in Portugal wieder einmal in eine Festival Location der ganz besonderen Art.
March 14, 2018
The first wave of acts has been announced today and it is as expected spectacular, from some of our most favorite artists The Hacker, Lena Willekens, Blush Response and Helena Hauff to other highly respected or upandcoming players of the scene:
March 12, 2018
First Wave of Acts Confirmed
Festival Forte just announced the first wave of acts that will be performing at its 5th edition from August 30th to September 2nd, 2018
March 14, 2018